
To be able to run these scripts, your browser should support Javascript & Javascript should not be turned off.

Quadratic Equation solver:

This script will compute the roots of quadratic equations in R (real numbers).


Factorial :

This script will compute the factorial of a number.
This script will give you an exact value for a number up to 21( inclusive) and an approximation for the number between 22(inclusive) and 170 (inclusive)


Easter Date Calculator:

This script will give you Easter date for a specific year entered


Easter Date Calculator Range:

This script will give you Easter for a range of years that you specify.


Date & Corresponding day:

This script will give you the day corresponding to a specific date.


Fibonacci Sequence:

This script will give you the Fibonacci sequence for a specified number

This script will generate Fibonacci sequence from a number to a specified limit


Prime numbers

This script will test if a number is prime or not

This script will give you the prime numbers in a range you specify

Number divisors

This script will give the divisors of a specified number.

BMI (Body Mass Index)

This script will give you your body mass index BMI.

Height (cm)
Weight (kg)


Email validator

This program will validate an email..

Function set Background color